Announcing the first ISAPP-SFA paper

By Anna-Ursula Happel

We are proud to announce that for the first time the executive committee of ISAPP-SFA has co-authored a manuscript, which is entitled “Future of probiotics and prebiotics and the implications for early career researchers” and was recently published in Frontiers in Microbiology. This initiative was driven by the 2019 ISAPP-SFA executive committee members under leadership of Irina Spacova, who was the 2019 ISAPP-SFA president. Read more about the journey from formulating the idea of writing a paper to its publication here.

This manuscript emphasizes that our young generation of scientists is incredibly enthusiastic and has an important role to play when it comes to deciding where the field will be heading several years from now. ISAPP provides a much-needed platform for early career researchers to network with established scientists, industry members and peers, to acquire relevant knowledge and to engage in scientific discussions. ISAPP-SFA also organizes group debates and career sessions that give young scientists the opportunity to shape their career values and develop a broader take on probiotics and prebiotics. We encourage all interested students and postdocs to become a member of ISAPP-SFA and hope to welcome them at one of our next meetings!
